

Quiz No. 1 - answers

Praga E-39

Question Nr. 1: Praga E-39

VFW-Fokker 614

Question Nr. 2: VFW-Fokker 614

HC-102 Heli Baby

Bonus: HC-102 Heli Baby

Questions from quiz No. 1 was quite easy, there were almost all good answers. Even bonus question didn't make any problems. Surprise for me were incorrect answers for question No. 1 - Praga E-39.

Praga E-39 - biplane for elementary training constructed in Czechoslovak company Prague. Prototype did first flight in June 1931. Aircraft was made from 1933 in different versions. There also were used during Slovak National Uprising for reconnaissance, liaison and supply.

VFW-Fokker 614 - low wing airliner for carrying 40 to 44 passengers at short distance lines. Two engines Rolls-Royce/SNECMA M45H Mk 501 with performance of 32 kN each were unusually installed above wings. Only 16 aircrafts were built.

HC-102 Heli Baby - improved version of bi-place light helicopter Czechoslovakian construction HC-2 with new engine M-110H.
21 units were made in company Moravan, Czechoslovakia. You can see one of it at the exposition in Museum of Aviation in Košice, Slovakia.