

Quiz Nr. 17 - answers

Kazan Ansat

Question Nr. 1: Kazan Ansat

Rogozarski IK-Z (IK-3)

Question Nr. 2: Rogozarski IK-Z (IK-3)

Handley-Page H.P. 21S

Question Nr. 3: Handley-Page H.P. 21S

Praga E-45

Bonus: Praga E-45

Again a bit harder Quiz - but problem wasn't Praga, it was Handley-Page H.P. 21S which was less known. Average value of difficulty according to your valuation was 4,27 (maximum 5 - very difficult).

Kazan Ansat - Russian light multi-purpose helicopter. IT is powered by two Pratt & Whitney Canada PK206C engines.

Rogozarski IK-Z (IK-3) - Yugoslavian single seat low-wing fighter. First flight of prototype in May 1938.Serial airplanes were powered by engine HS12Ycrs - built under licence in Avia company in Czechoslovakia.

Handley-Page H.P. 21S - British single-place shipboard monoplane fighter constructed for the US Navy. First flight of prototype - September 7, 1923. Only two prototypes were built.

Praga E-45 - Czechoslovakian single-seat fighter biplane was constructed under same requirement of MNO (Ministry of Defence) in Czechoslovakia as famous Avia B-543. Built on base of Praga E-44 (BH-44) type. Airplane was powered by Rolls-Royce Kestrel VI engine.